Apps and Plug-ins to Help with Social Media Addiction

Clinical Review by:


Aug 19, 2024


08:22 p.m.



Aug 21, 2024


09:06 p.m.


Social media addiction has been on the rise since social media sites first popped up in the mid-1990’s. Since then, billions of people worldwide have created accounts on social media sites such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, X/Twitter and more.  

With the explosion of social media sites come other issues such as overuse, censorship with younger users and terms like FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) flooding the news and our social media feeds. The question we now have to ask ourselves is how to scale back social media use to a healthy level when there is seemingly no way to separate from technology?

The need to reduce time on social media apps has spawned a new category of apps and computer plug-ins that are focused on helping people do exactly that. Some apps can block just one specific social media platform while others are meant to block using your phone or browser at all to increase productivity and focus. 

Whatever your need may be, there are programs available to help you reach your goal and potentially reduce the likelihood of social media addiction.

What is Social Media Addiction? How is it defined?

Social Media Addiction, also known as Problematic Social Media Use (PSMU) is a lack of ability to regulate one's social media usage and having negative adverse experiences due to overuse. The purpose of social media satisfies the desire to connect people, ideas and experiences quickly, which can bring a lot of joy and fun to people’s lives. 

When social media is used as a replacement for real life experiences or as a main source of happiness and fulfillment, the dangers of it potentially becoming an addiction amplify. The human brain looks for ways to satisfy the reward system it thrives on, and the small moments of euphoria we can get from a liked social media post or heartwarming video keep people coming back for more.

To learn more about social media addiction, you can read more here before we dive into the tools that can help curb your behaviors. 

Apps, plug-ins and browser extensions to help Social Media Addiction

Certain apps and media monitoring extensions have been created to help people cut down social media use. Some of the tech used to block social media overuse will cost you, but luckily there are also options that are free to download to your phone or browser. 


  • Flipd

  • AppBlock

  • Moment App

  • Your Hour

  • Hold

  • Siempo

Plug-Ins and Browser Extensions

  • Freedom

  • Antisocial App

  • Focus

  • Cold Turkey

  • SelfControl (Mac only)

Some of these apps, such as Flipd and AppBlock, lock you out of specific apps for a period of time you determine. Others like Freedom and Antisocial App will block social media or other distraction websites from a browser for you. These tools are a great way to deter habitual social media access and may help the transition to less screen time overall feel more achievable. 

Other resources & treatment options for Social Media Addiction 

While there is no official clinically diagnosed disorder for social media addiction, there is a significant need for treatment that addresses the addictive nature of social media. Psychotherapy, group counseling and self-help groups may be beneficial for social media addiction. Treatment can take place in a variety of settings that include inpatient, outpatient and virtually. 

Licensed therapists are available in all of the above settings and are trained in different types of psychotherapy including cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing and dialectical behavior therapy. These therapy modalities examine one's thoughts and feelings that precede an undesired behavior. Not all social media addiction may require formal treatment, but for those who do need the support, there are options available to them. 

Birches Health offers virtual sessions for flexible and convenient social media addiction treatment. An initial assessment is conducted by a licensed therapist who can give an official diagnosis. After this step, a treatment plan is created and healing can begin.

Treatment for social media addiction involves one of the following steps with Birches Health:

You can also just call 833-483-3838 or email to connect with the Birches team right away.

How common is social media addiction?

The impact of social media usage worldwide has grown exponentially over the past few decades. With the usage of social media increasing, so does the risk for social media addiction. It’s estimated that almost 4.8 billion people engage in social media use, or 60% of the global population. The average social media use per day is around 2.5 hours, with those who have become addicted to social media surpassing that number. 

Research conducted in 2024 indicated that approximately 10% of Americans meet the criteria for social media addiction. A study from Turkey found that almost 25% of adolescents are addicted to social media and directly affects their mental health, specifically levels of depression, anxiety and emotionally linked eating. On average, those who use social media have 6 or more platforms to access social media on their phone at any given time. These numbers can be expected to increase as younger generations have greater unlimited access to technology and the societal expectation to stay connected at lightning fast speeds grows. 

Social Media Addiction demographics: Young & older populations

Social media usage and addiction is primarily led by Gen Z and Millenials, but does not disclude Gen X and Baby Boomers. A report from ThinkNow revealed that 40% of 18-22 reported being addicted to social media. That number drops off significantly as age increases. Only 21% of those 55 to 64 indicated they felt addicted to social media. 

The reasons behind why people use social media may also impact the likelihood that they become addicted to social media. Younger generations tend to use social media to fill aspects of their social life versus the older population who indicated they use social media to stay connected to family and friends. 

Signs of social media addiction 

With the pressure to stay connected in today’s world, how can you tell if you or a loved one is addicted to social media or enjoying it responsibly? There are indicators that may identify  social media addiction and behavioral and lifestyle impacts that may be a result as well. 

Signs that indicate you might be addicted to social media might include:

  • Using social media longer or more frequently than intended

  • Not engaging in activities in the “real world” outside of social media

  • Prioritizing social media use over other responsibilities

  • Social media use impacts physical health (lack of sleep, not eating, sitting for long periods of time)

  • Strained relationships due to social media use

  • Looking at social media while driving, walking, etc.

  • You feel anxiety when unable to look at social media

  • Your emotional well-being is impacted by social media

If any of these resonate with you or describe someone you know, reach out to Birches Health today to find out more about treatment options that can help with social media addiction and more apps, plug-ins and browser extensions for your devices.
