Exercise and Addiction Recovery


Jun 26, 2024

Embracing a healthier lifestyle through exercise can be a transformative experience for anyone, particularly for those in addiction recovery. Physical activity not only strengthens the body but also improves mental health, providing a solid foundation for long-term recovery. For many in recovery, this can be a key strategy for maintaining sobriety and rebuilding a balanced life. 

Understanding the Impact of Exercise on Addiction Recovery

Regular physical activity is an important part of addiction recovery. Exercise not only improves health but also enables individuals to manage the challenges of recovery with greater resilience.

How Does Exercise Help Recovery?

Exercise can enhance the recovery process by elevating the production of endorphins, often known as the body's "feel-good" chemicals. These natural endorphins improve mood and reduce feelings of depression and anxiety which are common issues during recovery.

Additionally, engaging in physical activities can help normalize sleep patterns disrupted by addiction. Exercise contributes to more restful sleep, which is critical for cognitive function and overall health during recovery. Furthermore, exercise improves cardiovascular health and increases strength, helping to reverse some of the physical degradation caused by long-term substance use. 

Recent findings from a comprehensive review, which analyzed 43 studies involving over 3000 participants, were published in the journal PLOS ONE. The review found that in approximately 75% of the studies, regular exercise was linked to a decrease in substance use among participants.

How Does Exercise Help Prevent Relapse? 

Regular exercise can help prevent relapse by strengthening mental and emotional health. Engaging in physical activities reduces stress and helps manage cravings, which are common triggers for relapse. The routine of regular exercise also provides a structure that can bring stability to daily life, helping individuals focus on their recovery goals. 

The Benefits of Exercise in Recovery

Exercising regularly can have many benefits that support the body and mind, making it a foundational part of addiction recovery. Here are some of the key benefits: 

  1. Enhanced Mental Health: Exercise is a natural antidepressant that helps alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by increasing the secretion of endorphins. This is especially beneficial for those in recovery, as it helps combat the emotional challenges associated with withdrawal and sobriety.

  2. Effective Time Management: For many recovering from addiction, newfound free time can be overwhelming. Exercise fills this gap effectively, requiring time for planning and engaging in physical activities. This not only keeps individuals busy but also helps in making proactive, healthy choices throughout the day, minimizing the risk of relapse.

  3. Goal Setting and Focus: Setting exercise goals, such as training for a marathon, provides a positive focus. The preparation and commitment needed to achieve these goals help divert attention from cravings to more constructive activities, reinforcing a sense of purpose and progress.

  4. Structure and Accountability: Establishing a regular exercise routine provides much-needed structure in the lives of those in recovery. By planning workouts and signing up for classes, individuals can create a daily schedule that discourages unhealthy habits. 

  5. Stress Reduction: Physical activity is an excellent stress reliever. It helps manage and reduce stress, which is a common trigger for relapse. By providing a healthy outlet for stress and tension, exercise can make it easier for individuals to maintain sobriety.

  6. Mood Enhancement: Regular physical activity boosts the release of serotonin and dopamine—hormones that regulate mood. These biochemical effects can help stabilize mood swings commonly experienced during withdrawal and recovery, providing a natural and healthy way to achieve emotional highs.

  7. Increased Self-Esteem and Confidence: Regularly achieving exercise goals can build self-esteem and confidence. For someone in recovery, feeling good about oneself and recognizing personal achievements can reinforce the commitment to a sober lifestyle.

  8. Social Connections: Joining exercise groups or sports clubs can provide social benefits by connecting individuals with peers who share similar health goals. These connections can offer emotional support and motivation, which are vital during recovery.

Tips for Exercising During Recovery

Exercise is a vital tool in addiction recovery, but it’s important to approach it with a plan that respects both your body's limits and the challenges of recovery. Here are some essential tips to help you incorporate exercise into your recovery process safely and effectively.

Types of Exercises You Can Do

Starting an exercise routine can be overwhelming, especially during recovery. It’s best to begin with low-intensity activities and gradually build up as your strength and endurance improve. Here are some types of exercises suitable for individuals in recovery:

  • Walking: It's simple, requires no equipment, and can be done almost anywhere. Walking is a great way to start getting active again without putting too much strain on your body.

  • Yoga: This mind-body practice is excellent for reducing stress, improving flexibility, and enhancing mental focus—all crucial for recovery.

  • Strength Training: Using light weights or body-weight exercises like push-ups or sit-ups can help rebuild muscle strength and boost your metabolism.

  • Swimming: This low-impact exercise is easy on your joints and works out the entire body, making it ideal for those in early recovery stages.

  • Group Sports: Participating in team sports such as basketball or soccer not only improves physical fitness but also helps build social connections.

How Much You Should Exercise

Finding the right balance in your exercise routine is key. Over-exercising can be just as harmful as not exercising at all, especially during recovery. Here are some guidelines to help you determine the right amount of exercise:

  1. Start Slow: Begin with short sessions of 15-20 minutes, 3 days a week. As your fitness improves, you can gradually increase the duration and frequency.

  2. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds during and after exercise. Any pain or discomfort should be a signal to ease up.

  3. Aim for Moderate Intensity: A good rule of thumb is to exercise at a level where you can talk but not sing during the activity. This ensures that you’re working at a moderate intensity.

  4. Consistency Over Intensity: Regular, moderate exercise is more beneficial than sporadic, high-intensity workouts. Aim to build a consistent routine that becomes a part of your lifestyle.

  5. Consult Professionals: If you're unsure about how to start or how much exercise is appropriate, consult a healthcare provider or a fitness professional experienced in working with people in recovery.

Ready to Take the Next Step in Your Recovery Journey?

Are you ready to experience the benefits of physical activity but not sure where to start? Reach out to a healthcare provider or a fitness professional who understands the unique needs of those in recovery. Together, you can create a personalized exercise plan that fits your current fitness level and recovery goals.

Don’t wait to take control of your health and your life. Start your journey towards a stronger, healthier you today!


The Effect of Physical Activity on Sleep Quality and Sleep Disorder: A Systematic Review - Cureus

Characteristics and impact of physical activity interventions during substance use disorder treatment excluding tobacco: A systematic review - PLOS ONE

Physical Activity Reduces Stress - Anxiety & Depression Association of America  

Exercise is an all-natural treatment to fight depression - Harvard Health Publishing 

The Effects of Acute Exercise on Mood, Cognition, Neurophysiology, and Neurochemical Pathways: A Review - Brain Plasticity 

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