Key Points:

  • Gambling Addiction has 3 distinct levels of severity, but all can have a notable impact on individuals’ lives.

  • The DSM-V has 9 criteria to determine Gambling Disorder severity

  • Different severity levels are associated with different clinical implications

  • Medical and mental health professionals can diagnose Gambling Disorder severity


Addictions in general are misunderstood and can be underserved if they incorrectly are viewed as all-or-nothing scenarios. Often there are people who may not fit the full criteria for a severe addiction to something like gambling, but also feel that their behaviors are not healthy or beneficial in any way. 

While there are 2.5 million Americans diagnosed with severe gambling disorder, another 5 to 8 million fall into the moderate or mild categories, which is a much higher number than the former. A recent New York Times opinion piece mentions a college-aged male who found his gambling behaviors mostly manageable and under control, but that he felt gambling still had too much of a hold on his daily life. This type of casual and recreational gambler may meet a clinical level of gambling disorder that falls into the mild category, but can still pose a threat to someone's long-term mental health.

The different levels of gambling disorder severity


Someone with a severe gambling disorder would exhibit 8 or 9 out of the total 9 diagnostic criteria listed in the DSM-V in a 12-month span. These gambling behaviors would cause extreme distress and disruption to an individual’s daily life. Those who meet the criteria for a severe gambling disorder have also been found to have higher rates of comorbid mental health conditions and health issues. Other characteristics of those with severe gambling disorder include earlier exposure to gambling, higher levels of gambling debt, increased nicotine use, more instances of depression or anxiety and lower overall quality of life. 


A moderate level of gambling disorder would be diagnosed when an individual indicates experiencing 6 to 7 of the diagnostic criteria for gambling disorder in a 12-month timeframe. While moderate gambling disorder is not as problematic as a severe level, it still indicates a notable negative impairment and impact on someone's everyday life. Those with a moderate level of gambling disorder reported their primary reason for gambling was related to financial issues. 


A mild level of gambling disorder would be diagnosed by 4 to 5 of the DSM-V criteria being present in a 12-month period. While the word mild may indicate a small impact from gambling disorder behaviors, 4 or 5 consistent symptoms is still 50% or more of the total criteria being met for a severe gambling disorder. An individual with mild levels of gambling disorder can easily progress to a moderate or severe addiction if therapeutic measures are not pursued. Those with mild gambling disorder behaviors have often been in a younger demographic than those with moderate or severe gambling disorder. 

How is the level of gambling addiction severity determined?


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-V) has specific criteria that help medical professionals determine the level of an individual's gambling addiction severity. The DSM-V states that gambling behaviors that lead to clinically significant impairments or distress, occurring over a 12 month period, may indicate a gambling disorder. There are nine criteria that an individual may experience if they have a gambling disorder. Depending on the number of criteria an individual meets, the severity of their gambling disorder can range from mild, moderate to severe. 

Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI)

The Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) is another instrument used to measure gambling behavior and consequences through nine questions. Each of the nine questions is scored based on a four-point scale, with the total PGSI ranging from 0 to 27. The higher score someone receives based on their responses, the greater their risk of problematic gambling behaviors. 

  • 0: A score of 0 indicates there are no problem gambling indicators. 

  • 1-2: A score of 1 or 2 means there is a low risk of gambling behaviors with few to no negative consequences. 

  • 3-7: Scores ranging from 3 to 7 represent moderate levels of problem gambling with some potential consequences.

  • 8+: a score of 8 or more indicates problematic gambling behaviors with negative consequences and a high likelihood of loss of control.

Who can diagnose gambling addiction and determine severity levels?

Gambling addiction is typically diagnosed by a medical or mental health professional. If a primary doctor recognizes signs of gambling addiction, they may refer you to a mental health professional or addiction center for an evaluation. To determine the severity of an individual's gambling addiction, their behavior will be weighed against the criteria for gambling addiction in the DSM-V. Depending on how many criteria an individual meets, that will determine the severity of their addiction. 

Getting help for gambling addiction

If you or someone you know needs help managing gambling behaviors, there are a few options available depending on the severity of one's addiction. Common options for treating gambling addiction include individual therapy, self-help groups, inpatient treatment or at times medication. 

Virtual therapy provides access to gambling addiction certified providers that may be difficult to access in an individual's location. Birches Health offers virtual gambling addiction treatment from the comfort of one’s own home. Birches’ care is also covered by all major insurance plans, helping keep treatment affordable for those who need it. 

How to get started with Birches:
