Support Groups for Gambling Addiction
Apr 16, 2024
What Are the Basics of the Gamblers Anonymous Program?
Gamblers Anonymous is an international fellowship for men and women with gambling addiction. They offer support and hope to those with no one to turn to. The only requirement to join this program is a desire to quit.
Gamblers Anonymous is a 12-step program that’s based on the structure of the Alcoholics Anonymous Program. There are no fees or memberships to join. However, the GA literature, books, and materials come with an additional cost.
Meetings are free and are located across the nation and throughout the world. Members can also join online and by phone. Members will recover if they work on the steps and attend the meetings.
Gambler's Anonymous
Gambler’s Anonymous was created with a mission to help people quit gambling. This organization believes gambling becomes an illness that has no cure.
Most addicts claim their gambling addicts are out of control. Gamblers Anonymous assures members they’re emotionally or spiritually sick people who can recover as long the desire is there.
This simple program has achieved success for thousands of gambling addicts. The only way that a member can quit gambling is to have a willingness to change and to follow the concepts of the Gamblers Anonymous Recovery Program.
In this case, they would work on the 12 steps alone or with a trusted sponsor. Recovery can be accomplished if the individual is honest, open-minded, and willing to make it happen.
SMART Recovery Meetings
SMART Recovery is an international community that helps people break from the confines of their gambling addiction. It’s an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous for those who want an evidence-based and secular alternative.
There are currently over 1,500 meetings in North America alone. These meetings focus on the addictive behaviors associated with compulsive gambling and are led by trained volunteers.
However, this isn’t a replacement for therapy. The goal of SMART Recovery is to get support for all sorts of addictions, including alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and gambling.
It’s free to join a meeting. Resources, handbooks, and a toolkit are also available on the website. SMART Recovery also has support groups for families and loved ones of gambling addicts.
This revolutionary recovery method is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), which allows people to build up motivation, manage their thoughts and feelings, cope with cravings and urges, and live a balanced life.
Other Addiction Support Groups
GamCare: They offer digital, face-to-face, online, and telephone support for people who are impacted by compulsive gambling. This service also has early intervention, engagement, outreach, and prevention to communities, individuals, loved ones, partners, and professionals. Visit
Gamblers, Family, and Friends in Recovery (GFFR): This organization offers recovery meetings for gamblers and their family and friends. They also have daily reflections, audio files, and other resources for a successful recovery. Their mission is to help gamblers and their loved ones to find safe and reliable recovery meetings online. Visit
Gambling Therapy: This free international service from Gordon Moody offers advice and emotional support for anyone who’s affected by gambling addiction. They have support forums for gamers who want to stop or know their addiction is causing harm. Visit
Betters Anonymous (BA): This is another community that’s also based on the 12-step recovery program Alcoholics Anonymous. Check out the website to find a meeting near you. Visit
GamTalk: This online community allows gambling addicts to share their experiences in a safe environment. Visit
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christian-oriented 12-step recovery program that helps anyone “struggling with hurt, hang-ups, and habits of any kind.” It was founded by John Baker in 1991 at Saddleback Church in California.
Pastor Rick Warren’s famous book, The Purpose Driven Life, inspired John’s work. He came up with a God-given vision behind Celebrate Recovery after he read the book.
The ministry grew from just four open share groups to over 14 groups. Celebrate Recovery became the top outreach ministry at Saddleback Church. Currently, there are over 35,000 Celebrate Recovery churches.
Their mission is to bring the healing power of Jesus to those who are hurt and broken by behavioral and substance addiction. There’s little information about the open share groups, but training and resources are available on their website.
Gam-Anon started its international groups and online resources to bring more attention and awareness to compulsive gambling. This addiction has long-lasting consequences, including the financial aftermath and emotional effects.
Gam-Anon is similar to Gamblers Anonymous offering meetings, literature, and a dedicated hotline. The purpose behind Gam-Anon is to assist those affected by compulsive gambling.
They support addicts and their loved ones in coping with this problem. Gam-Anon has steps and tools based on emotional and spiritual growth and recovery.
Online Support Groups for Problem Gambling
If you or someone you know has a problem with compulsive gambling, getting help is crucial for recovery. The National Problem Gambling Helpline offers a free and confidential service.
This hotline is important for anyone struggling with gambling addiction. You’ll speak with a trained specialist who provides confidential support. You can address the extent of your gambling addiction, and receive information on support groups and treatment options.
Getting help is the first step toward your recovery. The gambling hotline is available when you need it. You can also find help and resources in your state. Online support groups for problem gambling are available for men and women.
Gambling is a serious problem that can harm all aspects of an individual’s life, including their career, finances, mental health, and relationships. The consequences are devastating and hard to come back from.
Thankfully, gambling addiction is treatable. Not sure what kind of help you or your loved one needs? Contact Birches Health today to learn more about our treatment options for gambling addiction.