Sports Addiction: Avid Fan or Addict?


Aug 7, 2024


11:28 a.m.



Sep 12, 2024


02:55 p.m.


Sports have always held a special place in our hearts, both in the U.S. and around the world. From the excitement of NFL games, which consistently dominate TV ratings, to the introduction of sports betting, the passion for sports is undeniable. However, while most people can enjoy sports in moderation, for some, this enthusiasm can spiral into an addiction. Legalized sports betting has only made sports addiction more prevalent, but gambling addiction exists on its own and can be an extension of sports addiction.

While addiction to sports performance and extreme passion for exercise constitute one form of sports addiction, this article explores the concept of sports addiction through fandom, distinguishing it from healthy fandom, providing insights into diagnosis, signs, causes and treatment options.

Can someone actually be addicted to sports? 

The notion of being addicted to sports might seem laughable to many, but it is a serious issue for some. An addiction to sports, much like any other addiction, can consume one's time, deplete financial resources and strain or even ruin relationships. The term "sports addiction" aligns with what is known as a process addiction, a type of non-substance-related disorder where a person feels compelled to obsessively engage in rewarding behavior despite negative consequences.

Can sports addiction be diagnosed?

Currently, sports addiction is not formally recognized as a specific diagnosable condition in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition). However, the behaviors and symptoms associated with it are very real and can be as debilitating as those associated with more traditional addictions. Many people seek help for this issue, demonstrating its impact on their lives.

While not listed in the diagnostic perspective of the DSM-5, obsessive passion (OP) can be an impactful distinction to make from harmonious passion (HP) when trying to determine if you have a sports addiction. OP can be defined as a relentless pursuit of the thing that one is passionate about to the point that the interest/activity overpowers them.

When does being a sports fan become an addiction? Signs of a problem

Distinguishing between a healthy passion for sports and an addiction can be challenging. Here are some signs that may indicate a problem:

  • Obsessive Thoughts: Constantly thinking about sports, the latest games, players, statistics and upcoming matchups.

  • Emotional Dependency: Mood swings based on the success or failure of a favorite team or athlete.

  • Time Consumption: Spending excessive amounts of time watching games, following sports news and engaging in sports-related activities to the detriment of other responsibilities.

  • Financial Strain: Spending beyond one's means on sports memorabilia, tickets and related expenses.

  • Relationship Issues: Neglecting relationships and social responsibilities due to an obsession with sports.

  • Interference with Daily Life: Missing work, school or other important activities because of a preoccupation with sports.

  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Feeling irritable, anxious or depressed when unable to engage in sports-related activities.

Causes of sports addiction

Several factors can contribute to the development of sports addiction:

  • Psychological Factors: Underlying mental health issues such as anxiety, depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder can predispose individuals to addictive behaviors.

  • Social Influences: Peer of family pressure and the social acceptance of avid sports fandom can normalize excessive behavior.

  • Biological Factors: Genetics may play a role, as addictive behaviors can run in families.

  • Escape Mechanism: Using sports as a way to escape from personal problems or emotional distress.

Sports addiction treatment options

Treating sports addiction involves addressing the underlying causes and modifying the addictive behavior. Here are some treatment options:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help individuals recognize and change addictive behaviors and thought patterns.

  • Reducing exposure to sports and finding alternative hobbies and interests can help break the addiction cycle.

  • Consulting with a mental health professional who specializes in addiction can provide personalized treatment plans.

There are several ways to begin your recovery journey

If you or someone you know is struggling with sports addiction, Birches Health offers several ways to begin the journey to recovery:

You can also contact Birches Health directly by calling 833-483-3838 or emailing to get started on the path to recovery.

Sports addiction statistics & trends in the United States

The growing concern over sports addiction is reflected in online searches and anecdotal evidence. Each month, around 10,000 Americans search for terms related to sports addiction, seeking help and information. This highlights the widespread nature of the issue and the need for greater awareness and resources.

While sports betting is a significant aspect of sports-related addiction, this article focuses on the broader concept of being addicted to sports themselves. This distinction is crucial, as the behaviors and treatment approaches can differ.