Do Gamblers Cheat in Relationships? 


Jun 30, 2024

Gambling addiction is a major issue that impacts not only financial stability but also the emotional and relational health of those involved. Studies have shown that individuals with a gambling disorder are more likely to be single or divorced, highlighting the strain this addiction places on relationships. While often seen as a personal struggle, its effects can ripple through partnerships, changing dynamics and creating significant challenges

How Gambling Affects Relationships

Gambling can have negative effects on relationships, often leading to a cycle of mistrust, conflict, and emotional turmoil. Understanding these impacts is important for anyone navigating a relationship with a person struggling with gambling addiction.

The Financial Strain of Gambling

Gambling can quickly strain finances, impacting not only the gambler but also their partners and families. Many partners find themselves blindsided by the financial consequences of their partner’s gambling habits, often discovering the extent only during a financial or legal crisis. Unexplained financial shortages and hidden debts can suddenly come to light, revealing significant monthly gambling losses and financial mismanagement.

Partners often face unrecognized debt, financial losses, pressure from debt collectors, and overall financial insecurity. Many find that their savings, once believed secure, have been gambled away, impacting not only their financial stability but also their children’s future. Losing life savings can derail plans for starting businesses or achieving financial goals, forcing individuals to work long hours just to regain some sense of security.

In many cases, partners shoulder the financial burden, often increasing their work hours to cover household expenses and gambling debts. Some take control of the household finances to mitigate further losses, despite the added stress and responsibilities.

The Emotional Consequences of Gambling Addiction

Beyond financial issues, gambling addiction can cause emotional consequences. The addicted individual may become withdrawn, irritable, or secretive, leading to a sense of isolation for their partner. Emotional distance grows as trust diminishes, and partners may feel neglected or undervalued. This emotional turmoil can lead to increased conflict, making it challenging to maintain a healthy, supportive relationship.

Partners may experience a range of emotions, including confusion, frustration, and resentment. The secrecy surrounding the addiction can lead to constant worry and suspicion, further straining the relationship. This emotional burden is compounded by the gambler’s unpredictability and mood swings, creating an environment where conflict becomes more frequent and difficult to manage.

Maintaining a healthy, supportive relationship becomes increasingly challenging under these circumstances. The emotional toll can lead to:

  • Increased arguments and misunderstandings

  • Feelings of betrayal and insecurity

  • Emotional withdrawal from both partners

  • Difficulty in expressing needs and concerns

  • A pervasive sense of hopelessness about the relationship's future

The Link Between Gambling and Cheating

Gambling and cheating in relationships are often intertwined due to underlying psychological factors. Both behaviors can stem from impulsivity and a tendency toward risk-taking, which are common traits in individuals with gambling addiction. These factors drive the need for instant gratification, leading some to seek out new and risky situations, including infidelity.

Psychological Factors

Gambling often triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This biochemical response can create a cycle of dependency, where the gambler seeks increasingly risky behaviors to achieve the same level of satisfaction. In this context, cheating may emerge as a coping mechanism to sustain the euphoria associated with winning, especially when losses begin to outweigh gains. The psychological stress of potential financial ruin can lead to rationalizations that justify unethical behavior.

Social Influences

Social dynamics also play a significant role in linking gambling with cheating. In competitive gambling environments, such as casinos or poker games, the pressure to outperform others can lead to deceptive practices. Peer pressure and the desire for social acceptance might encourage individuals to engage in cheating as a means of gaining respect or admiration from others in their social circle. This is particularly prevalent in high-stakes games, where the allure of significant financial rewards can overshadow moral considerations.

Behavioral Patterns

Behaviorally, those who engage in both gambling and cheating may exhibit a pattern of risk-taking and impulsivity. Individuals with high levels of impulsivity are more likely to gamble and resort to cheating when faced with the prospect of loss. This behavior is often exacerbated by cognitive distortions, such as the illusion of control, where gamblers believe they can influence the outcome of random events, leading them to justify cheating as a strategy to regain control.

Signs Your Partner Might be Cheating

When gambling is involved, infidelity can manifest in specific ways. Here are some signs to watch for:

  • Increased Secrecy: Your partner may hide their gambling activities or lie about their whereabouts.

  • Unexplained Financial Changes: Look for sudden withdrawals, missing funds, or new debts without clear explanations.

  • Time Discrepancies: They might spend longer periods at gambling venues or online without justification.

  • Emotional Withdrawal: A noticeable lack of intimacy or emotional connection could indicate a shift in focus.

  • Defensive Behavior: If confronted about their gambling or whereabouts, they may react defensively or shift blame.

Coping Strategies for Partners

Dealing with the possibility or discovery of infidelity, especially when linked to gambling, can be incredibly challenging. Here are some strategies to help you cope:

  • Self-Care: Prioritize your well-being through exercise, hobbies, or relaxation techniques to manage stress.

  • Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or support groups who understand the impact of gambling on relationships.

  • Educate Yourself: Learn more about gambling addiction and its impact on behavior. Understanding the root causes can help you navigate the situation more effectively.

  • Open Communication: Initiate honest discussions with your partner about your concerns, focusing on your feelings and observations.

  • Set Boundaries: Clearly define acceptable behaviors related to gambling and fidelity, and establish consequences for violations.

  • Professional Help: Consider seeking counseling for both yourself and your partner to address underlying issues and rebuild trust.

If you or your partner are struggling with gambling issues, it's important to seek support and resources to address the problem together. Consider reaching out to professionals or support groups who can help you rebuild trust and foster healthier relationship dynamics. Don't face this journey alone—take the first step toward recovery and healing today.


Marital status and gambling disorder: a longitudinal study based on national registry data - BMC Psychiatry 

Impacts of gambling problems on partners: partners’ interpretations - Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health

Addictive Behaviors Restructure Your Brain’s Dopamine System - Medium 

Dimensions of Impulsivity in Gambling Disorder - Scientific Reports 

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