Holistic therapy is an alternative option to traditional mental health or addiction treatment. It focuses on making the person feel whole. It doesn’t just focus on one aspect or problem. 

This article will give you a better idea of holistic therapy, including how it works, the added benefits, and the concerns. Holistic therapy is for you if you’re in recovery from an addiction to gambling, sex, sports betting, and video gaming. 

Types of holistic therapy

Holistic therapy’s goal is to incorporate the mind, body, and spirit. It helps the individual connect with themselves and become whole again. The benefits of holistic therapy included less stress, greater well-being, and reduction of trauma symptoms.

However, there isn’t one type of therapy that works for everyone. Holistic therapy comes in many forms. It also includes complementary techniques. The most common types of holistic therapy include: 

  • Acupuncture

  • Breathwork

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy 

  • Hypnosis 

  • Meditation

  • Mindfulness 

  • Reiki

  • Tai chi

  • Sound baths 

  • Yoga 

Licensed professionals offer these types of treatments. They might refer to themselves as holistic treatment specialists, but they might incorporate new methods such as integrative therapy, mind-body therapy, somatic therapy, and spiritual therapy.

The type of treatment you’d like to try depends on your specific problem. For example, you might realize that you struggle with emotional trauma. In this case, you might benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy or somatic work.

These treatments help individuals understand the connection between their body, mind, and relationships with others. They learn how each one plays a role in their mental health. It also promotes relaxation and integrates the mind, body, and spirit connection. 

In addition to these therapy options, there’s also biofeedback, cranial sacral therapy, general therapy, guided imagery, massage therapy, person-centered therapy, psychoanalysis, and stress management. 

Do your research on the various types of treatments. Research is important, especially when you’re seeking an alternative solution to your mental health problems.

What Holistic Therapy Can Help With

As previously stated, holistic therapy can help with a variety of behavioral addictions and mental health problems. Some of the  most common include: 

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Emotional trauma

  • Family problems

  • Stress 

  • Trauma

They can also help you with work-related issues that stem from your mental health disorder or addiction. Holistic therapy focuses on healing the whole person. It’s beneficial for problems that don’t have a defined cause or don’t have a multifold impact on a person’s life. 


It’s hard to determine the efficacy of holistic therapy. Many different types are available, some that are more effective than others. On the other hand, it does include effective methods such as CBT and hypnosis. Breathwork, meditation, and yoga are also effective for many stressful situations. 

The latest research has shown that holistic therapy has its benefits. According to an article from 2017, holistic alternatives boast one’s overall physical and mental health. Another advantage is that it’s more affordable than traditional forms of mental health treatment. 

Meditation and mindfulness help with easing anxiety and stress. They can also be used for various situations. A study found both methods beneficial for those who struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Finding Help

These are just some of the many treatments that make up holistic therapy. Holistic therapy services are offered through your insurance, referrals from your physician, and directories such as the American Psychological Association. 

You can also search on the Internet. But it’s also important to know what kind of treatment you want. Many providers claim to offer a “holistic” alternative to mental and behavioral health, but that doesn’t always mean they’re legitimate. 

For example, you should work with a somatic therapist who offers an alternative to psychotherapy. You should also find out their credentials and training. Read reviews to see how it’s helped individuals such as yourself. 

If you’re looking for a yoga teacher, consider a registered yoga teacher (RYT) or a yoga teacher (YT) with 300 hours or more of training. They should also be a licensed clinical social worker or therapist. 

Concerns With Holistic Therapy

Even with the benefits, there are downsides to holistic therapy. Keep in mind that licensed mental health professionals don’t support this type of therapy. Though research has shown the effectiveness of certain treatments, some critics wonder about the legitimacy. You might feel the same way. 

Treatment for mental health and addiction is a complex matter. No prescribed treatment works best. It depends on the severity of the illness and the individual’s specific needs. Treatment often includes a combination of practices, therapies, and medications. 

If you suffer from substance abuse or behavioral addiction, you should choose the option that’s best for you and your situation. Make sure to find a licensed practitioner with the credentials for the type of holistic therapy you want to try. It should not be used as a replacement for medication or psychotherapy. 

At this point, you realize you want a different approach. Maybe you’re not sold on the legitimacy of holistic therapy. Birches Health offers treatment for those struggling with gambling, sports betting, and video gaming addiction, just to name a few. 

You’ll receive personalized treatment in which you’ll work with a licensed behavioral care specialist. Best of all, it’s offered in the comfort of your home. Get started with a free and confidential assessment today. 


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