Keno: Casual entertainment or path to Gambling Addiction?
Nov 27, 2024
11:57 a.m.
You’ve probably seen Keno before, whether it’s on the TVs at a local bar, restaurant or casino. Keno is one of the most popular in-person and online casino or lottery games. They often draw winning numbers every five to ten minutes, providing constant action and entertainment for Keno players.
While Keno can be easy to learn and play, it also runs the risk of becoming highly addictive to those who may struggle with limiting their gambling behaviors. Despite its appearance of casual entertainment, with placements in some family establishments like local restaurants, Keno is like most forms of gambling in that it can become problematic if not approached with discipline. Learning how Keno can become addictive and what treatment is available for those who are struggling is an important piece of responsible play.
What is Keno? How long has it been around?
Keno can be a casino or lottery game, similar to bingo, with origins back to centuries ago in China. There is a table of numbers ranging from 1 to 80, and players can generally choose 1 to 12 numbers. Once players have picked, the keno draw is performed by a ball machine similar to that in the lottery. Twenty numbers are picked at random and the more numbers that match those that a player has chosen, the higher the payout they receive.
Keno has been around for almost 2,000 years. The original name for Keno was “beige piao” which means “white pigeon ticket”. This references the tickets used in a betting game that involved those used by homing pigeons.

Can you get addicted to playing Keno?
When someone gambles, dopamine is released, which feeds into the reward center of the brain. The thrill that people experience while playing Keno or another form of gambling is supported through dopamine production and can make it very difficult to stop. The cycle of dopamine production, coupled with the social and emotional aspects of gambling, can turn into a perfect storm that leads to an addiction. Keno is also popular in many retail locations, such as restaurants and bars, making it easily accessible and naturally more socially acceptable.
In New Hampshire, the city council put up a bill to allow Keno in restaurants and bars to help increase tax revenue for the town. One townsman spoke wholeheartedly against this bill, stating that after winning money through the lottery, he lost all of it playing Keno in a very fast-paced way, leaving him with extreme debt and needing to attend Gamblers Anonymous meetings to help stop his gambling addiction.
Signs of Keno gambling addiction
While many people can participate in gambling without any issues, there is a risk of developing an addiction to Keno and other casino or lottery games. How can you tell if your gambling or Keno habits have become problematic?
Common signs of gambling addiction in Keno players can include:
Preoccupation with Keno: An inability to stop thinking about or planning when you’ll next play Keno
Loss of time: Spending more time than intended playing Keno
You can't quit Keno: Despite wanting to stop, attempts to quit Keno are unsuccessful
Unstable Moods: Feeling anxious, irritable or frantic when unable to play Keno
Chasing Losses: Spending more money on Keno trying to win back what was lost
Relationships suffering: Interpersonal relationships with friends and family may be negatively impacted by Keno play.
Treatment options for people addicted to Keno
Treating Keno addiction follows a similar treatment path to other gambling and behavioral addictions. Therapy options such as individual, group, family or couples counseling may be a part of someone's treatment plan.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a popular type of therapy for gambling addiction. CBT aims to help someone evaluate the thoughts and feelings that precede negative behaviors, in this case Keno or gambling addiction.
Virtual treatment is a popular form of therapy for gambling addiction, as it allows for flexibility and confidentiality on the part of the patient. Birches Health offers remote Keno addiction treatment with therapists who specialize in gambling disorder.
How you can get started with Birches:

What makes Keno addictive?
Keno, among other types of gambling games, can become incredibly addictive due to the instant gratification and fast paced nature of the game. Keno games have short intervals between the time of one's bet and the outcome of the game. This can lead to spending a lot more time or money than originally intended. Keno also has a simple gameplay style so it’s easy to learn and play. There are also multiple betting options in Keno, allowing you to choose from one to twenty numbers.
How popular is Keno?
Keno is one of the most popular casino games both in-person and online. A study out of Britain found that 10% of gamblers play Keno. Keno can be found in almost every casino and is easily accessible through phones, tablets and online. With its increased popularity and the advancement of online gaming, Keno has a few different online types of gameplay including Classic Keno, Power Keno and Progressive Keno.