Preventing Porn Addiction Relapse
Jun 15, 2024
The Pattern of Relapse
Pornography addiction is a behavioral addiction that has devastating consequences on one’s life. It just doesn’t affect you. It also affects the people in your life. It’s a cycle that can be hard to break.
The pattern of relapse is common. It doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Recovery has its ups and downs. Addiction is a disease that requires treatment, even if you’ve been sober for years.
It’s important to understand the pattern of addiction and relapse. Addiction develops when you can’t control the urge to stop looking at pornography. It becomes so harmful that it could impact your mental health, career, finances, and interpersonal relationships.
The signs of porn addiction include spending massive amounts of time or money engaging in this activity. You might also have difficulty hiding this behavior from your friends and family.
What Is A Relapse?
Recovery is possible with the proper treatment. Addiction is a powerful disease that requires abstaining from pornography. There might be times in your recovery when you relapse. Many things could trigger a relapse, including:
Anger, boredom, impulsivity, or low self-esteem
Distressful situations
Isolation from friends and family
Overconfidence about defeating your addiction
Stress from career, money, or relationships
Relapse can happen even if you stop looking at pornography for years. It can happen when you least expect it since it’s not planned. If you’re in recovery, it can be difficult to overcome. Being aware of the warning signs associated with relapse can help you manage these triggers.
Relapse Warning Signs
Relapse can prevent you from attending your therapy sessions. You’ll come up with an excuse to cancel or reschedule your appointments. You might claim therapy isn’t necessary because you don’t have anything important to address anymore.
This could be true. But you might avoid discussing this with your therapist. You might also attend fewer support group sessions. You put them off because you’re too busy planning your relapse.
You don’t just avoid treatment. You also distance yourself from your friends and family. Addicts tend to isolate as they go back to their old friends and haunt grounds. They might also go back to the online and in-place settings where they acted out their porn addiction.
What Are The Stages Of Pornography Relapse?
To prevent a relapse from happening, you must first understand the stages. There are three stages of relapse in both behavioral and substance addiction. The three stages include:
Emotional relapse. In the first stage, you might be tempted to look at pornography. Your behaviors and emotions could set you up for relapse. You might experience mood swings during this time. You could isolate and bottle up your feelings. You might also skip occasions and events to spend time looking at pornography. Also during this time, you might be bored with recovery or sobriety.
Mental relapse. When you’re not focused on your emotional well-being, there’s an increased risk of relapse. During a mental relapse, you’ll get a craving for adult entertainment sites or casual encounters. Fantasizing takes place during this stage. While thoughts and temptations are normal, they could lead you to the brink of relapse. During this time, you might go back to your old habits, plan your relapse, and lie to your family about your whereabouts.
Physical relapse. This stage is when you act out. You might have a slip-up because you think it’s okay to look at pornography “just once.” You see it as a reward for your good behavior. You let go of your rational thinking so you can slip up. Instead of thinking about the consequences, you carefully lead with your desires. You might even reconsider therapy or your need to continue recovery.
Getting Treatment
If you show signs of a potential relapse, it’s not because you failed. It’s important to get the help you need. Remember that you are still on the road to recovery. Watch out for the previously mentioned warning signs.
Speak to a clinical expert who’s experienced with pornography addiction, especially when it pertains to the pattern of relapse. Book an appointment or receive a porn addiction assessment with Birches Health to determine the next course in your recovery.
What Is Addiction? Definition, Signs, Treatment, and More
In Case of Porn Relapse: 3 Vital Steps to Take
Focus: Addiction: Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery