As sports betting, both retail and online, becomes more readily available, problem gambling as a whole continues to be a widespread issue across the country. Thankfully, resources to combat this epidemic are also increasing in number, so those directly affected can take back control.

They can do so with voluntary self-exclusion programs, and while they may not be perfect, they can be extremely beneficial on the path to recovery. These programs can also come with a bit of nuance, so we’ve broken down exactly what self-exclusion is, how it can vary based on location, the overall benefits and more.

What is “Self-Exclusion” in the world of gambling?

As mentioned, self-exclusion is a way for problem gamblers or those at risk to voluntarily take action to prevent further consequences. In other words, it is a proactive measure, and it is done by placing oneself on a list to be intentionally restricted from gambling.

These lists exist at casinos and resorts, as well as online platforms. By placing yourself on a self-exclusion list, you are voluntarily agreeing that the establishment must prohibit you from gambling.

How Self-Exclusion works: Understanding the process

You may have heard the phrase, “admittance is the first step.” That may be true for a path to recovery, but it is still just one step. Taking advantage of self-exclusion programs can be a critical additional step to take away the potential opportunities to gamble.

Problem gamblers tend to bet compulsively and need something put in place to prevent them from doing so. Not only does self-exclusion physically prevent the act of gambling, but it is also a mental reminder of the strategy in place to stop gambling.

Thankfully, the process of getting involved is usually straightforward. Individuals need only to volunteer their names to be added to a self-exclusion list offered by a specific gambling establishment. Depending on the platform, they can be added for different lengths of time, most often six months at a minimum, but permanent options are also available. It is then the responsibility to the gambling operator to prevent the individuals on the self-exclusion list from partaking in gambling. 

Does self-exclusion vary by state?

We’ve also mentioned that there is nuance involved with self-exclusion programs. Although the concept is quite straightforward, the variance based on location is where things can get murky. There is currently a national self-exclusion tool looking to launch thanks to idPair to remedy this, and their CEO Jonathan Aiwazian has perfectly explained why it’s needed.

When discussing the differences of self-exclusion per state, he stated “if it sounds confusing, it’s because it is. That is why we are trying to build something that is easier to understand.” This was said because there are some states with self-exclusion programs across the board (casinos, online sports betting platforms, etc.), some states with them in place for specific types of gambling platforms and some states with none at all.

Much like other state-specific issues, a national program could help make things like self-exclusion efforts more unified. Perhaps the best example as to why this is so important is the fact that a problem gambler in Pennsylvania could place themselves on a self-exclusion list, but then easily drive across the border to New Jersey and bet. 

Benefits of self-exclusion from gambling & sports betting

Despite the state-by-state barrier that exists with self-exclusion programs, there is no doubt that they are a beneficial way for individuals to help overcome their problem gambling. Being a method that has both a physical and psychological component is what makes it effective.

The physical aspect is the establishment or operator upholding their end and preventing the actual act of gambling. The psychological aspect is the individual that voluntarily enrolled in the program having the cognitive awareness that a change is needed. This can help serve as a reminder to hold up their end of the agreement as well.

Not only is self-exclusion beneficial in the direct prohibition of gambling, but it benefits the other components of an individual's life, such as rebuilding relationships with loved ones that have been negatively impacted due to their problem gambling. 

Help with self-exclusion: Assistance with forms & process

For those struggling with problem gambling, getting involved with self-exclusion programs can be as easy as it gets thanks to the help of Birches Health. If you’re unfamiliar with the process or want to help someone you know get involved, you help get the process underway with the Birches app here:

Gambling addiction resources & treatment 

Along with helping individuals get started with self-exclusion forms, Birches Health provides a full set of resources for helping combat problem gambling with an online treatment center. Licensed professionals are in place and ready to help when it is best convenient for the patient with several ways to get started:

You can also simply call 833-483-3838 or email to get in touch directly with the Birches care team right away.


Voluntary Self Exclusion to Stop Online Gambling - Birches Health


Self-exclusion and breaching of self-exclusion from gambling: a repeated survey study on the development of a nationwide self-exclusion service
