Gambling Addiction group support meetings, now from home
Oct 30, 2024
03:40 p.m.
There are many benefits of group support during the gambling addiction recovery process. For lots of individuals, it’s beneficial to hear the lived experiences and stories of those who are also going through or have successfully dealt with the types of struggles that they themselves are experiencing at the time.
Historically, the main option for gambling addiction group support has been Gamblers Anonymous, which is modeled after the 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous program. There are many pros and cons to GA, as it is a great fit for some but not the ideal solution for others. Traditionally, the travel and strict schedule of in-person meetings is difficult for some whose schedules don’t always align. Plus, the religious components of multiple steps in the 12-step program may not be the perfect fit for unreligious people.
Today, there are more options for group support, including FREE virtual meetings from Birches Health.
What are virtual group support meetings?
The free online group meetings from Birches Health are conducted on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for individuals struggling with gambling addiction across the United States. As well as general groups, there are ones for distinct cohorts such as young male sports bettors, women in recovery, and others to make sure group dynamics are comfortable and foster connections. The group program is completely free of charge and created by experienced clinicians who have worked with gamblers for over seven decades combined.
Click here to join FREE virtual group meetings
Alternatively, you can email with the subject line "GROUP" or call 833-483-3838.

Benefits of Birches’ free virtual group sessions for gambling addiction
The digital nature of virtual group sessions helps remove some barriers to support, like travel considerations and resulting schedule conflicts. It’s naturally less of an effort to pop into a Zoom-like group call than it is to drive to and find parking at a physical location.
Plus, there is no mandatory 12-step program involved in the process. It’s more simply just individuals with shared experiences telling their stories and learnings, offering advice, and listening closely to others’ struggles. The supportive environment can lead to real positive change, as lived-experience interpersonal connections are often naturally created.
How the virtual treatment process works for gambling addiction
Telehealth technology can be used for gambling addiction care in multiple ways. First is individual counseling with certified, specially trained clinicians who create custom care plans for every patient. Therapy programs can be supplemented by virtual group meetings, which can add another form of beneficial support.
Virtual counseling for gambling addiction may start with an evaluation to assess gambling habits. Once the extent of a gambling problem is identified, a care plan tailored to each individual’s needs is built out. Therapy will continue with a set time and frequency, until the therapist and patient feel that individualized therapy sessions are no longer necessary. At this point, a relapse prevention plan and outpatient resources would be established to help support someone in their long-term recovery. Semi-regular virtual group meetings can also assist in avoiding relapse, as peers can help keep you accountable.

Is virtual therapy for addiction as helpful as in-person counseling?
A study conducted in 2023 found that virtual therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy sessions for many issues. Over 27,000 individuals took part in a survey that stated the most beneficial piece of virtual care is the reduced wait times for treatment. Digital therapy has also been seen to be more cost-effective than in-person counseling. While there are many who view teletherapy as a second option compared to in-person treatment, virtual therapy sessions allow treatment to happen in a timely fashion, reducing overall costs in the future.